Eviction Wildlife Services

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Eviction Wildlife Solutions

Humane, Effective, Selective



Eviction Wildlife services

Eviction Wildlife Solutions is a Quebec owned and operated business that offers humane, affordable wildlife exclusion services in Montreal and it's surrounding areas.

Call us today! 514-222-0453

Why Us?

First, let us just say that we understand that as a homeowner, dealing with wildlife problems can be a stressful experience. The more information you obtain will not only help you find the right solution, but may also save you money, save you time and also prevent further damage to your home. If the sound of wildlife inside your walls and attic aren't disturbing enough, then the thought of the potential damage being done and the costly repairs that follow should make you pick up the phone and schedule a free inspection.

Why Eviction?

Our knowledge in wildlife biology and behaviour in and around Montreal plus our experience in home construction allows us to offer you effective long term solutions and help prevent future wildlife conflicts from developing. By offering reliable information about your wildlife problem, the risks to your property, potential health issues involved, it is our goal to help you make a sensible decision and resolve your wildlife conflict in a manner that works best for you and your unwanted furry tenant.

Why Exclusion?

Because it works !!! Not only do we humanely evict all wildlife from your home, we keep in from happening again. Whether it's a 20 lb mother raccoon with babies in your attic, a smelly family of skunks under your deck, a cheeky squirrel chewing up your woodwork or a bat that fits through a hole the size of a dime, our technique allows them to exit but guarantees they will not get back in past any area where our work is present.

Free inspection!

During our free inspection we will be able to determine which species has decided to make your home, their home. We will locate their point of entry and list all potential problem areas that may need to be addressed to prevent future issues. Any damage past or present will be documented with photos/in writing and will be available to the homeowner upon request.

As more and more of their natural habitat is being developed, conflicts between wildlife and homeowners are inevitable. In most cases the wildlife you are dealing with are not malicious, they are simply taking advantage of an opportunity.

As a homeowner you are probably concerned with 3 things:

  • health and safety for you and your family
  • financial cost to repair potential damage to your home
  • quality of life in and around your home and community

Wildlife are also concerned about 3 things:

  • food
  • shelter
  • a safe place to raise their young

So, before you make your final decision, is it not in your best interest to call EVICTION WILDLIFE SOLUTIONS and get all the info you need so you can make the right decision.

We're here to help.

Problematic species

We offer humane eviction services for many kinds of animals, here are the main ones.

Common Starling
  • Common Starling

    Latin: Sturnus vulgaris Linnaeus


    shiny black, glossy purple or green with white specks. Often seen roosting in large numbers on hydro poles and wires


    monogamous. Male and female share building the nests, incubating the eggs and feeding the young.


    Early spring and a second clutch during the summer.


    3-7. Eggs are small, light blue, and glossy. Young hatch in 11-13 days.


    young begin leaving the nest after 3 weeks. They will not remain with the parents beyond fledging date Signs of starlings: The birds themselves are the obvious signs especially during mating season when the couple is busy building their nest. Starlings are very industrious birds and can build nest quickly. Other signs include bird droppings and stains on the exterior of homes below their nest. In some cases nesting material can be seen sticking out from cracks in buildings and wall vents.


    Starlings are an extremely noisy bird. Their cries and songs range from a mixture of clicks, wheezes, chattering, whistles and mimicry of other song birds in the area. They also may be heard running in the soffit of your home and pecking inside ventilation ducts.


    Most common on your home would be in wall vents, exhaust vents, cracks in brickwork, rotted out fascias and gaps in soffit panels. The nest is usually within 1 ft. of the opening.


    Nesting material can easily block ventilation ducts from your stove, dryer and bathroom fans. This can lead to appliances overheating, foul odours and dryer malfunction. Birds also tend to damage ductwork from pecking causing humidity and moisture problems. If the hole becomes large enough young birds may become lost and fall inside wall cavities. In this situation a hole will need to be cut to locate the lost bird(s) and the ductwork will need to replaced.


    birds are carriers of fleas , mites and other parasites. Once the birds leave or are removed, these parasites look for a new host. This could be you or your pets. Histoplasmosis is a major disease risk when dealing with a buildup of bird droppings. When the droppings are disturbed spores are released into the air and if inhaled can lead to serious respiratory problems. The most vulnerable are the young, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. Tradesmen ex. Carpenters, electricians and homeowners are the most likely to encounter these spores while doing renovations. Most cases are mild but can be fatal.

  • Skunks

    Latin: Mephitidae


    A bushy-tailed predator with a pointed muzzle. Grayish brown with a black mask and alternating black and white bands on its' tail. One of North America's most versatile and adaptable animals, raccoons are expert climbers and swimmers whose fingers can take lids off garbage cans and even turn doorknobs. They are also strong enough to rip off gutters, soffit vents, roof vents and most commercial chimney caps allowing them access to your home.


    Polygamous, usually a solitary animal except when females are with their young. Females raise their young alone. If an adult comes across the young, he may kill them.


    Nocturnal, but may be active during the day, especially during the spring and summer when the female is nursing her babies.


    Approx. 62-75 days


    Most common in May through June although late breeding females may give birth in July/August


    4-7 average


    2-3 months. At 7 weeks old kits will start to adventure out with their mother. They are independent at 3 months. Young females may remain with their mother during their first winter


    Although you may visually spot them, the first time you may take notice is when you smell the skunk. Their odour is a strong, nauseating, penetrating, musky smell that can linger for days. Skunks tend to dig for grubs and holes on your lawn are quite noticeable. They can also leave footprints and feces around your property.


    Very little as adults are generally quiet. Younger skunks can be more vocal especially while playing. You may hear grunts , hissing, growls, purrs, squeals and teeth clicking.


    Underneath sheds , decks and concrete slabs, also in crawl spaces. Safe places to raise their young. Females may den together but males den by themselves. We've seen as many as 12 skunks in one den during the winter.


    Skunks are most active in spring and early summer during mating and baby season. Females are seeking a safe place to raise their young. During the summer they are known for digging up your lawns in search of grubs. Come fall they will looking for a safe place to den over the winter. Skunks are not true hibernators but they can sleep for long periods of time and never have to leave their den site. They may lose up to 38% of their body weight during the winter. As our winters seemingly become milder, skunks are venturing out more often.


    Besides digging up your lawn and garden, the biggest problem you will have when dealing with skunks having a den around your home , is the smell. Skunks tend to have many confrontations during the spring and summer and the smell of their spray can last up to 10 days. In and around den sites you can expect to find urine, feces, sometimes garbage that has been dragged inside and in some cases, carcasses. A skunk that may have perished a long time ago may have its sack still intact, and when it finally breaks open, it can be a huge undertaking trying to reach and remove the carcass and all the surrounding soil.



    Skunks are a rabies vector species. Important to know that just because you may see a skunk out during the day does not mean that it is rabid. It may be a healthy female that is feeding more than usual because of her young. A skunk may be infected with rabies for a long time before it shows any symptoms.

    Most common rabies symptoms:

    • unprovoked aggression
    • unusual friendliness
    • animal may appear disoriented and stumble while walking
    • paralysis, often in the hind legs or throat. Paralysis of the throat muscles often leads to drooling, choking and frothing at the mouth
    • skunks may become active during the day

    Most common way people become infected

    • through bites or scratches from infected animals
    • infected saliva gets into mouth, eyes or nasal passage.
    • Worst case scenario = death


    The last thing a skunk wants to do is spray. They are a docile, mind your own business animal that will spray as a last resort if provoked. First they will stomp, hiss, kick up soil as a warning.

  • Bats

    Latin: Chiroptera


    Little brown bat and big brown bat are the two species of bats that roost inside building in Quebec. Little brown bats ( myotis lucifigus) have a wingspan of 9 inches and a body 3-4 inches long. Big brown bats ( eptisicus fuscus) have a wingspan of 12 inches and a body 4-5 inches long. Both live in colonies and these can be anywhere from a few to a few hundred. They are excellent flyers and although they can see, they use echolocation to locate insects and guide their way in the dark


    Polygamous, females are colonial and will roost together to raise their young. Males are usually solitary.


    Nocturnal, at dawn or dusk , bats may be seen entering or exiting the building Females return often to nurse their young. A colony of 100 bats can eat hundreds of thousands of insects during the summer.


    50-60 days.


    May through mid July


    Little brown 1 , Big brown 2


    Juvenile bats will begin leaving the roost with their mothers in late July.


    At dusk and dawn you may observe them leaving their roost. You may also notice smudge marks around their entry points, this a combination of dirt and body oils. On the walls and on the ground around these entry points is where you may find guano, bat droppings, the size of a grain of rice. In attic spaces evidence of bats will include droppings under their roosting area and foul odours.


    Scratching, fluttering, squeaking and slight clicking are the most common noises associated with bats.


    Attics, walls, beneath exterior siding and inside chimneys. Little brown and big brown bats both hibernate. Little brown bats will migrate to their winter roosts while Big brown bats are more likely to hibernate in homes and buildings.


    The most active time of year with bats would be mid summer when the young have started leaving their roost. Maternal colonies begin disbanding and bats will start showing up in different locations. A bat inside your living space usually happens when a juvenile bat is learning to fly or has become lost in a wall cavity and is looking for a way out. This also happens during extreme heat or cold periods when the bat is searching a more suitable climate.

    Bats cannot chew a hole to enter a new location, they will only use existing cracks and entry points.


    On the exterior the only damage may be cosmetic, as in staining and bat dropping sticking to the walls. On the interior, their urine and droppings can spoil insulation and lead to stains. Clean up costs can be high due to the health risk involved and the extensive work required.



    Bats are a rabies vector species. Most bat confrontations inside your home happen at night and bat bites are difficult to spot. Bats rarely attack people, they only bite in self defence. Bottom line is that rabies is a fatal disease and if at anytime a child, someone sleeping, disabled or impaired person, or pet may have come into contact with a bat, certain steps should be taken. The suspected bat, if possible should be captured for testing and Info Sante contacted for further instruction.

    The percentage of bat population that has rabies is believed to be 3-4%. Just because one bat has rabies does not necessarily mean the entire colony is infected. A bat on the floor is not necessarily sick, it may be a juvenile learning to fly and bats have difficulty taking flight from a horizontal position on a slippery surface.

    Histoplasmosis: is a lung infection caused by inhaling the spores of a fungus. Most cases are mild but can be fatal. This occurs when the guano, bat droppings, are disturbed and the spores become airborne. The most vulnerable are the very young , the elderly and people with compromised immune systems as they are more likely to develop the most dangerous form of the disease. Tradesmen ex. Carpenters, electricians are the most likely to encounter the spores while doing renovations.

    As much as we want bats in and around our environment, having them roost in your home can be a serious health risk.

  • Squirrels

    Latin: Sciuridae


    Squirrels vary in colour , although most are grey, they can also be black, brown and even white. Squirrels become active early in the morning and spend most of their day gathering, storing or retrieving nuts and seeds. Major concern when dealing with squirrels is their need to constantly chew and the damage they can do to your home in short period of time.


    Polygamous, females raise their young alone. Grey squirrels are also quite sociable and during mating they tend to chase each other.


    Diurnal, from early morning until sundown squirrels are extremely active even in winter.


    40-45 days


    March until May with a possible second litter around the middle of July into August.


    2-4 average


    Young squirrels will start leaving the nest at 10 weeks. Young females may stay with their mother for several months, not necessarily in the same den.


    You may see them running on your roof or notice smudge marks on your siding. You may also find wood shavings below an entry hole on your home or damaged soffits and roof vents. In your attic you will find chewed wood and wires along with tunnels in the insulation


    Chewing, scampering, scratching sounds in your attic, soffit and walls. During mating season you may hear chattering and slight bark as they chase each other.


    Can be in many spots around your home including chimney, wall vents, attic and in the soffit. In some cases their nest in a chimney will not support their weight causing them to fall into the fireplace. An attic den could be home to 8-10 squirrels. All it takes is an opening no larger than 3 inches for a squirrel to gain access to your home.


    Active throughout the year. From March until May they will be seeking a safe place to raise their young. Squirrels are extremely active and once the babies have become mobile they may cause major damage to your home in a short period of time. They may leave their den site inside your home during the warm summer but will return when winter approachs. During the fall and winter the most common conflict relating to squirrels has to do with den activity.


    Squirrels have a habit of constantly chewing, this is fine while sitting up in a tree but inside your home it can be a disaster. They will chew whatever material is nearby including electrical wires , structural wood, ventilation ducts, roof vents, wall vents. They can scratch their way through vapour barriers and gypsum board. This may lead to moisture problems from rain and snow and from holes in duct work that allow warm or cold air to enter the attic. This can also lead to fire hazards. They can chew through plastic, wood and aluminum. We cannot stress enough how important it is to address your squirrel conflict as soon as possible.



    Squirrels play host to a variety of parasites that may include fleas, ticks, mites, lice and bed bugs. Once the squirrel has been removed, these parasites may enter the home looking for a new host which may be you or your pet. These may enter through windows, ventilation, cracks around electrical outlets and fixtures.

  • Raccoons

    Latin: Genus Procyon


    A bushy-tailed predator with a pointed muzzle. Grayish brown with a black mask and alternating black and white bands on its' tail. One of North America's most versatile and adaptable animals, raccoons are expert climbers and swimmers whose fingers can take lids off garbage cans and even turn doorknobs. They are also strong enough to rip off gutters, soffit vents, roof vents and most commercial chimney caps allowing them access to your home.


    Polygamous, usually a solitary animal except when females are with their young. Females raise their young alone. If an adult male comes across the young, he may kill them.


    Nocturnal, but may be active during the day, especially during the spring and summer when the female is nursing her babies


    Approx. 63 days


    Most common from March through May although late breeding females may give birth in June, July and August.


    3-5 average. We have seen litters as large as 8


    2-4 months of age. Young males will leave in the fall but young females may remain with their mother during their first winter.


    Besides the obvious visual sighting, raccoon leave many hints that they may be in your area. This includes footprints, scratch marks, tufts of hairs and scat on your deck and on your roof. Other signs may include black smudges on walls and downspouts, bent gutters, damaged soffits and roof vents, even holes in your siding.


    Grunts, hisses, growls. When confronted raccoons will let out a cascade of snarling screams. The young are quite vocal and their chitter chatter can often be heard in the house whether they are living in your chimney or your attic. They also tend to purr while nursing. Young raccoons are extremely curious and when they start exploring expect the noise level to go up.


    Den sites can be in tree cavities, but given the opportunity , they will live in attics, chimneys, crawl spaces, under decks, and beneath sheds. For a female looking for a safe place to have here young, nothing beats an attic or unused chimney. They usually have a main den site and secondary sites nearby. Females may den together but males den by themselves.


    raccoons can be active year around. They are most noticeable during spring and early summer when females are looking for a safe place to raise their young. They are also quite active in the fall when the young start becoming more independent and when they start looking for a safe place to spend the winter. Winters in Quebec are not what they used to be so it's becoming more and more common to have active raccoons during the cold months. It's during the coldest days that raccoons can sleep for days on end and live off stored fat, never having to leave their warm and cozy attic.


    raccoon damage2fire hazards include chewed wires and blocked ventilation from nesting material. Moisture problems arise when raccoons enter through the roof area, either by a roof vent, soffit vent or by tearing up shingles. This allows rain and snow to enter your home causing even more damage. Insulation replacement is often required when raccoons have been living in your attic due to the presence of feces and urine. So not only is it a potential costly problem, it can become a health issue too.



    Raccoons are a rabies vector species. Just because you may see a raccoon during the day that you think may look sick, does not mean it is rabid. It may be a healthy female that may be feeding more than usual because of her young. Nursing young sometimes pull at her fur as they feed making her appearance shabby. That being said, a raccoon may be infected with rabies for a long time before it shows any symptoms. There's no way of telling if the animal is rabid just by its' behaviour. A raccoon that has been poisoned, or has distemper may react the same way as a raccoon that is rabid.

    Most common rabies symptoms:

    • unprovoked aggression
    • unusual friendliness
    • animal may appear disoriented and stumble while walking
    • paralysis, often in the hind legs or throat. Paralysis of the throat muscles often leads to drooling, choking and frothing at the mouth
    • raccoons may become active during the day.
    • raccoons walk as if they are on hot pavement.

    Most common way people become infected:

    • through bites or scratches from infected animals
    • infected saliva gets into the mouth, eyes or nasal passage
    • Worst case scenario = death

    Raccoon Roundworm:

    Found in raccoon feces. The eggs of the parasite that causes raccoon roundworm are resitant to disinfectants. Raccoons rarely show symptoms of the disease.

    Most common way people become infected is when they encounter the eggs through direct contact with raccoon feces orby touching a contaminated area or object. The eggs are hardy and can live for years . Although serious infections are rare, worst case scenario is death.

Buyer beware must read

Here are some situations you want to avoid when wildlife issues arise concerning your home:

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Contact Us


Having issues with wildlife disturbing your home but don't want to hurt the little critters? Contact us and we'll make sure you are happy as well as your unwanted animals.

Call us today! 514-222-0453

email: info@evictionmtl.com